Ants Vs. SomeBees

A tower defense game inspired by Plants Vs. Zombies


Ants Vs. SomeBees is a tower defense game developed as a part of a CS 61A project. The objective of the game is to protect the ant queen from invading bees by strategically placing different types of ants. The project focuses on object-oriented programming, involving the implementation and extension of various classes to manage game logic, insects, and interactions between them.

Project Requirements

Part 1: Basic Gameplay

  • Implemented two basic ants: HarvesterAnt and ThrowerAnt.
  • HarvesterAnt gathers food for the colony, while ThrowerAnt attacks bees in its place.
  • Modified the game logic to handle food costs for placing ants and tracking entrances and exits in places.

Part 2: More Ants!

  • Introduced specialized ants with different attack strategies, such as LongThrower, ShortThrower, FireAnt, WallAnt, HungryAnt, BodyguardAnt, TankAnt, and SlowThrower.
  • Implemented different behaviors and actions for each ant type to enhance gameplay and strategy.

Part 3: Water and Might

  • Added water as a new place type, requiring waterproof insects to occupy them.
  • Introduced the ScubaThrower and the QueenAnt.
  • The QueenAnt has special rules, such as doubling the damage of ants behind her and ensuring there is only one queen in the game.


Ants and Bees:

  • Developed classes for various ant and bee types, each with specific attributes and actions.
  • Implemented logic for ant placement, food cost management, and bee movement and attack strategies.

Places and Colony:

  • Created a colony structure consisting of linked places forming tunnels.
  • Implemented tracking of entrances and exits for proper game mechanics.

Game Logic:

  • Managed the game state, including food availability, time progression, and winning/losing conditions.
  • Developed methods to handle the actions of all insects in each turn.

Graphical User Interface (GUI):

  • Provided a GUI to visualize the game state and interact with the game.
  • Implemented text-based and graphical modes for different gameplay experiences.


The Ants Vs. SomeBees project was a comprehensive assignment that provided hands-on experience in object-oriented programming, game development, and complex system design. By working on this project, I gained valuable skills in managing game state, implementing diverse behaviors for game entities, and creating interactive user interfaces.